Zirkus ON programme is supported by an alliance consisting of 17 partners (as of December 2024).
The creative alliance consists of festivals, venues, rehearsal and residency spaces, a magazine and an umbrella organization.
The core tasks of the partners are:
-> to collectively design and further develop the program. For this, they meet once a year in person and as often as necessary online in working and project groups.
-> to accompany the circus projects selected by a jury in the development of their aesthetic forms of expression.
It's the involvement and engagement of our partners that makes Zirkus ON strong!

Andree Wenzel*
is a circus artist, choreographer and artistic developer of Zirkus ON, as well as founder and director of the Hamburg circus festival Lurupina.
"Zirkus ON is an exciting, trendsetting alliance, bringing together wonderful people and their opportunities in front of, on and behind the stage.”
Circus arts are perhaps the only constant when it comes to Andree: Trained street artist with a degree and now senior artist. His education as a circus artist at ENAC in Brussels was followed by further training in Amsterdam with Corpus Acrobatics and Bremen with Get a Grip. He completed BMC and dance training with Linda Hartley in London and Hamburg. He did his Master’s of Arts in Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg. He is the director of the Aerial Dance Academy and produces solo and ensemble pieces with his company ComaDa in the style of contemporary circus.
*Collaboration as project specific freelance work

Alice Greenhill
is an expert in business administration and has been passionate about contemporary circus for 15 years. She is one of two Zirkus ON’s managing directors, together with Yala Pierenkemper.
"Support through the 'Verbindungen fördern' programme continues to boost this young art form and recognises the volunteer work of BUZZ and many active people to date. It enables visibility, discourse and networking within performing arts."
Since 2019, Alice has been an active member of the Federal Association of Contemporary Circus e.V. (BUZZ) Together with colleagues from BUZZ, she initiated the nationwide circus festival 'Zeit für Zirkus' in 2020 and has accompanied the first two editions as project leader. She joined the Zirkus ON Team in 2020. She is convinced by the necessity of a programme such as Zirkus ON for the genre’s further development in Germany.
Without Alice, the programme would not be what it is today.

Kati Thiel
More information about Kati coming soon.

Johannes Frisch
is a concert organizer, journalist, networker, bassist, press and public relations officer at Kulturzentrum TOLLHAUS Karlsruhe, co-organizer of ATOLL Festival and Zirkus ON board member.

Stefan Schönfeld
Is a director, circus producer, co-organizer of ATOLL Festival and Zirkus ON board member.
Credit: Felix Groteloh

Christine Ritter
has co-founded the legendary Rockzirkus GOSH, has been in the Cirque Archaos ensemble, Teatro ZinZanni, in Chamäleon Varieté productions, Cabaret Sauvage and the Artistokraten. Nowadays, she is the director of Pfefferberg Theater Berlin and Zirkus ON board member.

Verbindungen fördern-Netzwerk
Zirkus ON ist ein der neun Bündnisse des Netzwerks „Verbindungen fördern“. Zusammen bilden sie ein überregionales Netzwerk, das u.a. kulturpolitsch handelt, Wissen und Best Pratices austauscht. Mehr dazu: hier