Open Call 2025/26
Open Call: 3 circus arts projects in creation:
Apply now for the Zirkus ON creation programme, edition 7 (2025-26)!
Application period: 9/12/2024 – 6/2/2025 | Application deadline 6/2/24, 10pm CETZ
Individual artists and companies can apply with the plan to implement a pioneering contemporary circus art creation in Germany in 2025-2026.
The creation alliance for circus arts - Zirkus ON is looking for new, open-format circus creations that strengthen and inspire the existing and future repertoire of contemporary circus art productions in and from Germany.
The application documents are checked for formal correctness by the team. Complete applications are made available to the jury.
In a first jury conference, all applications are discussed, statements for the subsequent feedback for applicants are documented and a shortlist is selected. In the second jury conference, shortlisted applications are discussed by the jury and the final 3 projects for the 7th Zirkus ON edition 2025-26 are selected. The list of criteria is public, part of the open call and the basis for the jury selection.
The creation alliance’s alliance partners will be allowed to read submitted applications if permission was given in the application form.
Who can apply?
This call is aimed at individual artists and companies with the intention of working on a pioneering creation of contemporary circus arts in Germany in 2025-2026. Zirkus ON is looking for new, open-format circus creations that strengthen and inspire the existing and future repertoire of contemporary circus art creations in and from Germany.
Application documents
- Completed application form - Work sample of material, concept or prototype as a visual impression of the already started creation (link to the video in the application form, video duration: At least 1 min. - max. 2 min.) - 2 photos (1x landscape, 1x portrait, min. 72 dpi) and a short description (500 characters) for press release if project is being selected
Application Conditions
- The applicant(s) are working professionally and are not in full-time training/study in 2025-26 - Professional, freelance solo artists, companies and groups with a billing address or registered office in Germany - The project deals with circus arts (open format) - Creation has already begun - Creation is primarily taking place in Germany in 2025-26 - The work will not be completed before January 2026 - Availability on the following dates: digital ON-boarding 3/4/25 12-14.00am CET in attendance: opening presentations 4-6/6/25 and stage presentations 23-26/9/25
Optional attachments
- Presentation of the creation’s contextualization (possible formats: max. 2 DIN A 4 pages graphics as png, jpeg or pdf or max. 2 min. video/audio .wav or mp4) - Tech Rider (pdf) - Green/Eco Rider (pdf) - Access Rider (pdf)
A total of 3 project projects selected by a jury are being accompanied by the creation alliance through: - the residency programme: up to 3 residencies will be offered at alliance partners in the period May - December 2025. - Individual support for the project and the core team in the period April - December 2025 as part of the mentoring programme - the qualification programme: 3 to 4 workshops on production topics will be offered in the period April - December 2025 - Presentation opportunities (especially opening, stage and final presentations as well as showings at the end of the residencies - if desired) - Knowledge transfer formats and networking opportunities - Subsidy budget for collaboration with freelance artistic collaborators such as Outside Eye or lighting designers (up to €3000 gross)
Jury 2025
The 2025 jury of the Zirkus ON creation programme consists of persons nominated for positions and commissioned by the creation alliance, who fulfil the perspective to be represented by their professional activity/artistic practice in the jury. - Perspective of Zirkus ON alliance partner, venue: Elena Liesenfeld, Chamäleon Theater Berlin - Perspective of Zirkus ON alliance partner and festival: Johannes Frisch, ATOLL Festival - Perspective artist / Zirkus ON alumni: Jonas Schiffauer, Cie Hippana Maleta - Perspective Dramaturgy, research, theory: Carolin Hensel-Lippold (Neuer Zirkus Ruhr) - Perspective interdisciplinary, art and society: Heiki Ikkola Societaetstheater and Zirkustheater Festival Dresden) More about the jury members to be found under "News".
Who is part of the artistic core team of the project? What is an Access Rider? What is a Green Rider?
Accessibility info
Information on the accessibility of each part of the Zirkus ON creation programme can be found here.
Zirkus ON answers your questions during the digital Info Session on January 16th (DE).