Zirkus ON LichtLABOR | lighting lab
Mo., 14. Nov.
|Flottmann-Hallen Herne
Zirkus ON is welcoming circus professionals to the first introductory level light design lab! a 3-day light design lab for circus arts 14. - 16.11.2022 | at Flottmann-Hallen, Herne host: lighting technician Citro (Citronella Antholz) participants: max 20 people free of charge, but register below

Zeit & Ort
14. Nov. 2022, 10:00 – 16. Nov. 2022, 18:30
Flottmann-Hallen Herne, Str. des Bohrhammers 5, 44625 Herne, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
A quick intro from the Zirkus ON LichtLABOR host: Citro
my name is Citro - Citronella Antholz.
I'm 58 years old and I have been working as a lighting technician for the past 30 years. Mostly in music, dance and circus arts (e.g. Cirque Buffon, Stefan Sing, Sebastiano Toma).
The lighting lab is aimed at circus performers and circus companies that would like to aquire some basic knowledge about lights and perhaps to enable you to further develop your own light-ideas for creations and performances.
This is not a production workshop to create or complete a lighting-concept for your performance, but we will work with
sequences or moments of your shows during the lab to test the new knowledge in practice.
As a start, I prefer to use halogen lights in the lab, because with them you'll have to be very aware of your idea. It clears your mind. We will try LED lighting as well, as we go on in the lab, don't worry.
8 Stunden 30 Minuten1st day | 14. November
LichtLABOR mit Citro
8 Stunden 30 Minuten2nd day | 15. November
LichtLABOR mit Citro